Upcoming events
No upcoming events scheduled
Past events
- Sir Stephen Laws (Senior Fellow at Policy Exchange)
- Professor Cathryn Costello (Andrew W Mellon Professor of International Refugee and Migration Law at University of Oxford)
- Dr Peter Walsh (Senior Researcher at Migration Observatory)
- Vicky Tennant (Representative to the United Kingdom at UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR))
- Elizabeth Ruddick (Senior Legal Protection Associate, UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) at UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR))
- Jon Featonby (Chief Policy Analyst at Refugee Council)
- Colin Yeo (Barrister at Garden Court Chambers)
- Dr Jean-Pierre Gauci (Senior Research Fellow in Public International Law at British Institute of International and Comparative Law)
- Christina Marriott (Executive Director of Strategy and Communications at British Red Cross)
Contact us
The Committee is unable to look into individual cases
- Email: jchr@parliament.uk
- Phone: 0207 219 2793 (general enquiries) | 020 7219 8430 (media enquiries)
- Address: Joint Committee on Human Rights, Houses of Parliament. London. SW1A 0AA