Oral evidence
The Committee held the following oral evidence sessions as part of this inquiry.
Wednesday 13 May 2009
Witnesses: Dr Martin Read, former Chief Executive of Logica and co-author of the Operational Efficiency Programme final report, John Hawksworth, Head of Macroeconomics, and Jon Sibson, Government and Public Sector leader, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Dr Jennifer Law, Principal Lecturer, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Glamorgan, and Peter Lockhart, Senior National Officer, PCS Union
Wednesday 3 June 2009
Witnesses: Andrew Hudson, Managing Director, Public Services and Growth, HM Treasury, Louise Tulett, Finance Director, Treasury Group, and Nigel Smith, Chief Executive, Office of Government Commerce
Lesley Strathie, Chief Executive, Simon Bowles, Chief Finance Officer, and John Keelty, Director Departmental Transformation Programme, HM Revenue & Customs
Thursday 9 July 2009
Witnesses: Rt Hon Stephen Timms MP, Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Sarah McCarthy-Fry MP, Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, and Andrew Hudson, Managing Director, Public Services and Growth, HM Treasury