Safeguarding vulnerable claimants inquiry: Work and Pensions Committee to question NAO and advocacy and support groups
The Work and Pensions Committee will hold the second oral evidence session for its inquiry examining how DWP supports vulnerable benefit claimants and whether its approach to safeguarding needs to change.
Meeting details
Likely areas of questioning
The session will be a chance for MPs to question representatives from the National Audit Office about the work they have done in this area. They are likely to be asked about issues relating to how public and local services work together on safeguarding, the process for claiming benefits, how well DWP understands the challenges and needs of claimants, and how DWP investigates cases of harm.
The second panel, made up of representatives from advocacy groups and charities, will focus on the challenges that vulnerable people face when claiming benefits and DWP’s safeguarding responsibilities. There could also be questions about the proposed reforms to the Work Capability Assessment.