2 current inquiries
Inquiries allow committees to consider oral and written evidence on a particular topic. They usually result in the publication of a report.
Non-inquiry work
Non-inquiry sessions
Non-inquiry sessions are brief packages of work that will not necessarily result in a report. They may be used to revisit previous inquiry topics or take evidence on a topical matter.
Pre-appointment hearings
People nominated to certain public offices may be examined by a committee to assess their suitability and plans for the role.
Latest news
Senior MPs seek answers on Government’s Child Poverty Taskforce
The Chairs of two influential House of Commons Committees have jointly written to the Government to get answers on the work of the Child Poverty Taskforce.
28 November 2024
Pensioner Poverty subject of new Committee inquiry
The cross-party Work and Pensions Committee has today launched its new Pensioner Poverty: challenges and mitigations inquiry.
22 November 2024
Inquiry into DWP’s safeguarding of vulnerable benefits claimants reopened
An inquiry into how vulnerable claimants for benefits including Universal Credit can be better safeguarded by the Department for Work and Pensions, has been reopened by MPs on the cross-party Work and Pensions Committee.
12 November 2024
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- Email: workpencom@parliament.uk
- Phone: 020 7219 8976 | 020 7219 1679 (Media)
- Address: Work and Pensions Committee | House of Commons | London | SW1A 0AA