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24 May 2023 - The funding and delivery of public services in Northern Ireland - Oral evidence

Committee Northern Ireland Affairs Committee
Inquiry The funding and delivery of public services in Northern Ireland

Wednesday 24 May 2023

Start times: 9:00am (private) 9:30am (public)

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Representatives of Northern Ireland’s health and education sectors will give evidence to the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee. They’ll be asked by cross-party MPs how they plan to handle real-terms funding cuts expected as a result of NI’s budget shortfall.

Meeting details

At 9:30am: Oral evidence
Inquiry The funding and delivery of public services in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Council Chair at British Medical Association (BMA)
Associate Director, Employment Relations and Member Services at Royal College of Nursing
Northern Ireland Director at Royal College of Surgeons
At 10:30am: Oral evidence
Inquiry The funding and delivery of public services in Northern Ireland
Chief Executive at Controlled Schools’ Support Council
Chief Executive at Education Authority
President at National Association of Headteachers (Northern Ireland)

The Committee will use the session to find out conditions faced by nurses, doctors, surgeons and teachers in Northern Ireland and what impact they have on patients.

Decisions on where the axe should fall and how the much-needed transformation in Northern Ireland’s public services should proceed have been made more difficult in the absence of an Executive to make them.

This is the third session of the Committee’s inquiry on the funding and delivery of public services in Northern Ireland.


Room 16, Palace of Westminster

How to attend