

Written evidence from the Nursing and Midwifery Council

NMC progress on delivering the lessons learned from the PSA’s review into our handling of the Morecambe Bay cases



We would like to update Health and Social Care Committee members on the progress were making to address the lessons learned in the Professional Standards Authority’s (PSA) review into our handling of the Morecambe Bay fitness to practise cases. We’ve focused on the following areas:



We would also like to invite Committee members to visit our offices to meet our Registration and Revalidation and Fitness to Practise teams, as we’d welcome the opportunity to show you the work we’re doing.









Governance and the role of our Council






Putting patients and the public at the heart of what we do: How we’re acting on the lessons learned


do’ programme is published on our website and outlined in detail below. We shared it with the Committee and our stakeholders on 27 July 2018.





A new approach to supporting patients, service users and families








Improving the way we communicate with people every day and being open, approachable and helpful



empathetic and offer the right level of support. Were also rolling out our new ‘tone of voice’, which will help shape all our communication across the organisation.





Creating change





A new strategic direction for Fitness to Practise









Engaging with midwives




Supporting change across the healthcare sector