Written evidence submitted by [a member of the public]

As a careers professional with over 20 year experience ( currently in FE) I am concerned about the coverage , quality and consistency of CEIAG provision, locally in Cheshire and nationally.

There are still schools who offer nothing in terms of personal guidance, some of the enjoy OFSTED outstanding or good ratings in spite of this. One school actually mentions personal guidance on their website but has provided nothing since Connexions stopped delivering in 2010. Many other schools provide the bare minimum , one local school with 1500 pupils provides 1 day or personal guidance each week.

Gatsby is in theory an excellent framework, in practice it is underfunded and therefore falls short of its ambitions. Careers enterprise activity is patchy and overstretched and does not link effectively to personal guidance where it exists.

Career hubs should be funded better and based on collaboration between the business community and careers professionals. Schools who pay for personal guidance should have access to matched funding to buy more time.

February 2022