Written evidence submitted by GP Survival (FGP0355)
Poor advice on testing and failure to update symptom list/criteria to reflect the different symptoms with Delta and Omicron variants
Need messaging that “cold” symptoms = Covid until PCR -ve result
LFTs only to be used when asymptomatic
Failure to reinforce the “common sense” mitigating actions of hand/face/space
Over reliance on vaccination as sole preventative measure
Failure to advise schools re HEPA air filters etc
Poor access to secondary care
Many clinics discharged more than 50% OP list to GP
Online clinics then demanding GPs do F2F procedures such as bloods/ECG etc
Long and increasing waiting times for clinics /procedures
Assumption and expectation that GP will manage waiting list and issues arising as a consequence
Obstruction of referrals by mandating A&G causing risk to patients with delay in diagnosis and also transferring risk and workload to Primary Care
Recruitment problems (actually an issue since 2010
5k retirement cliff
-1700 now
No sign of the promised extra 5-6k promised
Negative attitude of medical schools and secondary care
Lack of effort by HEE, prioritising other HCPs such as ANPs and PAs
Excessive and progressively increasing workload and negative briefings forcing trainees out
Lack of proper pastoral care for the two cohorts of Covid FY1s leading to psychological issues and burnout
Retention issues
Burden of appraisal and revalidation
Fear of being left as last man standing and responsible for all redundancy payments
Constant regulation and micromanagement
Recruitment issues leaving workforce gaps and increasing workload/stress
Dec 2021