Written evidence submitted by Dr Kathryn Scott (FGP0274)


Call for evidence comments


Length of working day

I have worked as a GP for 35 years.  Even prior to COVID the historic general practice day of 8am to 6.30pm had become unmanageable often without any breaks requiring a working lunch. There need to be ways of managing shorter working days.


Mental health workload

The increasing burden of mental health cannot be managed well within the current system.  Direct access to dedicated mental health professionals would give patients an improved service and lessen GP burnout.


GP partnership model

GP partnership supports the current system as partners feel and have a responsibility for a system that provides the best patient care possible. Without that invested interest such a cost-effective system would not be possible.


Media spin

Untruthful and unbalanced media spin is very detrimental to patient care and GP morale.


Flexibility of career

General practice remains a very flexible choice for doctors who cannot manage full time commitments, this should be increasingly supported.


Dec 2021