Written evidence submitted by Anonymous (FGP0043)
General practice I can see from both patient and clinician point of view, but I see the obvious struggles of accessibility. This has a spiral effect as the lack of access puts patients at risk, increases demand elsewhere and leads to less effective care, more advanced illness prior to diagnosis and treatment, dissatisfaction for the patient and demoralisation of the work force.
To manage this, it seems obvious that you need well trained staff from reception through to nurse team, doctors and allied health professionals. If we use each persons’ skills effectively it has a positive impact on the service and increases productivity and morale. Utilising technology to see patients via videos, photographs, over the telephone and in face 2 face appointments as well as econsultations is helpful and flexible.
However, if you are unfortunate enough to be in area of poor staffing – all this seems an impossible task. I feel the question needs to be asked as to why staff retention is poor. But factors such as agenda for change not being mandatory is probably high up on the list for non-medical colleagues. Lack of financial recompense in reflection of the skill set and demand of the job is forcing people to work longer hours and be less effective. Many areas of work are introducing condensed working patterns as it is seen to produce more effective working in the time they are at work as opposed to working extensive hours at full capacity – which is consequentially causing burn out. We are not looking after our colleagues well enough, I feel is the bottom line.
Unless change is made to encourage clinicians into general practice and to retain them, the patient centred care with a named GP, good accessibility, and good quality care is unlikely to improve.
Primary care networks have shown to improve care in our practice in some ways with additions of physios, clinical pharmacists, urgent response teams, paramedic practitioners all adding to our care team and supporting the care we can give which has been a benefit.
But ultimately, if we don’t recognise the staff for the job they do – this wont remain the case I fear.
Dec 2021