Victor                            ZAS0067


Written evidence submission from Victor


Victor welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee on its inquiry regarding the challenges in reducing emissions posed by the aviation and shipping sectors.

We thank the Committee and its Secretariat for the courtesy of accepting a late submission. Victor would welcome the opportunity to expand its position and provide oral evidence to the Committee as it continues its work.



About Victor

Victor                            ZAS0067

Executive Summary


Victor                            ZAS0067

1.      Clear labelling of emissions

2.      A clear plan to mitigate those emissions

3.      Proof of action taken

4.      A UK/EU-wide mandate, and

5.      Expansion across other jurisdictions



Victor’s commitment to sustainability and the environment


Victor                            ZAS0067



New and developing technologies



Increased disclosure of industry emissions


Victor                            ZAS0067

been offset by sufficient use of SAF. Such evidence is necessary to prevent ‘greenwashing’ of organisations’ environmental claims.



A Carbon Emissions Register


For more information, please contact Hannah Sharratt, Head of PR and Communications

November 2021