Brazilian National Confederation of Industry – CNI CBM0019
Written evidence from the Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI)
The Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI) welcomes the Environmental Audit Committee’s call for evidence concerning carbon border adjustment mechanisms (CBAM).
CNI is the main representative of the Brazilian industry. It is the highest body of the industry trade union system and, since its foundation in 1938, it has defended the interests of the national industry. It also acts as the main interlocutor with the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary, besides several entities and organizations in Brazil and abroad. We represent 27 state federations of industry and 1.280 trade unions, to which almost 700 thousand industries are affiliated.
Since its establishment, CNI has played a leading role in society, promoting debate and building consensus on key national issues. Especially concerning those matters that have strong influence on the development of Brazilian industry and economy.
CNI is recognized as a key voice at the national level, examining and presenting suggestions for the development and refinement of policies and laws that strengthen the productive sector and modernizes the country.
While CNI agrees that climate change require urgent actions and full commitments by governments and the private sector, it understands that any CBAM legislation or proposal in that regard should:
October 2021