NATS                            ZAS0058



Written evidence submission by NATS


    1. NATS is the UK’s leading air navigation services specialist providing, under license, en route air traffic management services over the UK and eastern North Atlantic from centres at Swanwick, Hampshire and Prestwick, Ayrshire.


    1. In addition, we are contracted to provide air traffic control services at 14 major UK airports.  We also have a focused international growth strategy centred on those areas of the world, notably Asia Pacific and Middle East, where rapid and significant growth in air traffic is causing complexity and delay, playing into the particular expertise for which NATS has a global reputation in our industry.


    1. Airspace is a critical pillar of UK national transport infrastructure supporting the wider economy. It enables the safe and efficient passage of aircraft, connectivity with markets across the globe, goods to be transported, and supporting tourism.
    2. Reducing the aviation industry’s carbon footprint is one of the biggest long-term challenges we face.  NATS fully supports the commitment to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.  With sustainable fuels and electric aircraft still some time away from being an everyday reality, how we manage our airspace can play a crucial role in reducing CO2 emissions.
    3. The aviation industry remains committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2050, and fully recognizes that failure to decarbonize is not an acceptable option.  UK aviation is targeting at least an overall 15% reduction in net emissions by 2030 (relative to 2019), and a 40% net reduction by 2040, with the pace of decarbonization ramping up as new technologies and fuels become mainstream in the 2030s.  With the right Government support, the industry can decarbonize and continue to provide valuable jobs and services across the country.




1.              What contribution can operational efficiencies make to reduce emissions from aircraft and over what timescale could these have an effect on emissions?



2.              What new technologies are there to reduce emissions from aircraft

3.              How should the Government’s net zero aviation strategy support UK industry in the development and uptake of technologies, fuels and infrastructure to deliver net zero aviation?

4.              What further action is needed by the International Civil Aviation Organization to drive emissions reductions? What can the UK Government do to drive international action on emissions?


September 2021