Bristol Airport                            ZAS0054

Written evidence from Bristol Airport

About Bristol Airport


Bristol Airport is central to the economy of the West of England and is one of the region’s largest private sector employers. In 2019, the Airport supported almost 4,000 direct jobs, and c.25,000 indirect jobs, bringing around £1.7 billion Gross Value Added (GVA) to the region.


We will achieve carbon neutral operations this year and aim to achieve net zero operations by 2030, which was positively referenced in the UK Government’s recent Jet Zero consultation.


Bristol Airport is also targeting its scope 3 emissions, including aviation and surface access.


What contribution can operational efficiencies make to reduce emissions from aircraft / shipping vessels and over what timescale could these have an effect on emissions?


Bristol Airport’s 2030 net zero operations target would cover our scope 1 and 2 emissions, with net zero buildings and vehicles.


We are also committed to taking action on scope 3 emissions, including aircraft and surface access. There are a significant number of steps that can be taken to reduce emissions of aircraft at airports and the below are specific examples that Bristol Airport has set out in its draft Carbon and Climate Change Action Plan:



How should the Government’s net zero aviation strategy support UK industry in the development and uptake of technologies, fuels and infrastructure to deliver net zero shipping and aviation?


The UK Government’s proposals for net zero domestic aviation by 2040 are ambitious but achievable. Beyond the environmental benefits, there are major potential economic and social opportunities for the UK to take a lead in this area, particularly in our region due to the strength of its aerospace and aviation sector. 


The UK’s leading aerospace and aviation sectors mean that being a ‘first mover’ to decarbonise flight would have the benefit of creating high-skilled green jobs. This should be a key consideration when writing recommendations in this area.











For more information, please contact Simon Earles, Director of Sustainability and Corporate Affairs


September 2021