UK Sport – Supplementary written evidence (NPS0171)


Thank you very much for allowing me to join you and your Committee on 30th June. As I mentioned during my opening remarks, I am delighted that your Committee has been established to consider such a range of important issues and I really welcomed the opportunity to be able to provide evidence to you.


I did want to write to you and your colleagues as promised to provide a response to the question raised with me by Lord Moynihan during our evidence session regarding whether adult duty of care requirements should be mandatory for an organisation to receive public funding.


It is of crucial importance that any sporting organisation which receives public money takes care of all participants within their activities. UK Sport would therefore welcome a more defined link between the setting and maintenance of standards for duty of care and the receipt of public funding. The standards which are set must be both realistic and widely understood and there must be an appropriate and robust assurance mechanism in place to ensure compliance.


I hope this further response is helpful to the Committee. Thank you again for providing me with the opportunity to join you and your colleagues and I look forward to reading your report with interest when it is published.


Sally Munday

CEO UK Sport


16 July 2021