

Written evidence submitted by Katy Hudson

Education Committee Inquiry

Children in Care Homes

Personal Reflection from a former Virtual School Officer

Topic point:

The quality of, and access to, support for children and young people in children’s homes, including support for those with special education needs, and the support available at transition points


I currently worked for a charity that supports children in care and care leavers in a training and development role.  Prior to this, from 2013 – 2020, I was employed in Virtual Schools in two different Local Authorities.  My experiences of attempting to support the education of young people, particularly those with EHCPs, who were placed in residential homes often left me feeling disheartened and frustrated.   It was generally extremely challenging to source school places for those young people who moved to out of county children’s homes and needed to change schools. My observation was that the system that should be designed to enhance a young person’s educational experience, in reality was detrimental and damaging.  Even with experienced professionals with a good knowledge and understanding of the education system working hard for the child in care, the multiple barriers often resulted the child being out of school for months.



Suggested Solutions:

April 2021