Written evidence submitted by Professor Angie Hart, Louise Brinton-Clarke, Vicki Dunham, Mirika Flegg, Harvey Hill, Lindsay Jones and Anne Rathbone (CYP0059)


Centre of Resilience for Social Justice www.brighton.ac.uk/crsj/index.aspx

University of Brighton and BoingBoing CiC www.boingboing.org.uk/

Blackpool HeadStart Headstart Resilience Revolution (blackpool.gov.uk)

on behalf of the Resilience Revolution www.blackpool.gov.uk/Residents/Health-and-social-care/HeadStart-Blackpool/HeadStart-Blackpool.aspx



In this submission, we draw on our collective organisational and personal experiences, relating them to policy and practices associated with children and young people’s mental health. We are a community of academics, students, practitioners, parents/carers and young people working together to beat the odds whilst also changing the odds, as and with disadvantaged communities. As co-authors we have experience of working in, and / or receiving support from children and young people’s mental health services.

1. What progress have the Government made on children and young people’s mental health?

1a) The ambitions laid out in the 2017 Green Paper


1b) Provision of mental health support in schools


2. How inpatient care can be improved so that it is not creating additional stress on children and young people, and how the use of physical and medical restraint can be reduced?


3. The wider changes needed in the system as a whole, and to what extent it should be reformed in favour of a model that focuses on early intervention in children and young people’s mental health to prevent more severe illness developing


  1. Recommendations


A) Short term recommendations:










B) Longer term recommendations:







February 2021