Healthy Ageing Research Group, University of Manchester – Written evidence (NPS0064)


The following evidence summary responds to the overarching context of the inquiry whilst also specifically addressing questions related to increasing participation of older people.

Executive Summary


Encouraging active lifestyles with older people:

Innovative methods to engage older people in evidence based physical activity – examples of our work:

Use of technology and gamification:


Addressing ageism and economic advantages of inclusivity:



The Authors

Healthy Ageing Research Group

The Healthy Ageing Research Group (HARG) at the University of Manchester is a multi-disciplinary group conducting research aimed at promoting healthy and active ageing. Our work covers the range of ages considered for mid-life (40-60) and older people (including younger older people e.g. 55+/retirement age, and the oldest old). 


HARG’s high quality population health research adopts a participatory mixed methods approaches and uses quantitative, qualitative and evidence synthesis review techniques and has an emphasis on healthy and active ageing so to promote active participation in society[1].  We develop research capacity in the topic, ensure our work has direct relevance to policy and practice at a local, national and international level.  We engage with and involve the public, patients and stakeholders in our research activities, amplifying voices through consultation, co-creation and implementation of all our work.


Areas of expertise include: falls and falls prevention, activity and exercise promotion (strength and balance), nutrition and diet, development and evaluation of novel mHealth and eHealth technologies, clinical decision making support tools, health behaviour change and health literacy, musculoskeletal conditions, mixed-methods research methodology, critical appraisal and evidence synthesis, and user-involvement in design of technologies to support healthy ageing. 


Healthy Ageing Research Group Affiliations:

Colleagues within the HARG work within the NIHR Policy Research Unit for Older People and Frailty, as well as theme leads for Healthy Ageing work programme within the Greater Manchester Applied Research Collaboration.  We are also closely linked to the Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing, based at the University of Manchester.  For more information on specific covid-19 related outputs see individual website and webpages, or get in touch and we are happy to signpost you.


Professor Chris Todd & Jane McDermott on behalf of:

Healthy Ageing Research Group

School of Health Sciences

University of Manchester


29 January 2021

[1] Methodologies include randomised controlled trials, cluster randomised controlled trials, quasi-experimental qualitative, quantitative and evidence synthesis.