Written evidence submitted by the AAPG for Dalits
The APPG for Dalits, of which I am co-Chair, brings the concerns of Dalits before parliamentarians. These are the former untouchables who are badly discriminated against in South East Asia and who also experience some discrimination in this country. There are many groups who represent the variety of divisions within the Dalits. In recent years there has been legislation affecting their wellbeing in parliament.
The APPG receives no money and there is a single person who acts as the secretariat on an unpaid basis. She works for Dalit Solidarity International and her work for the APPG is voluntary. It is vital that she has a parliamentary pass in order to meet regularly with me and the APPG. It would therefore greatly hinder this vital work if in order to obtain a pass she was required to work exclusively for me. This would not be possible as the APPG has no funds.
23 November 2020