


Written evidence submitted by Lord Tony Berkley



I write as a patron of the All Party Parliamentary Cycling and Walking Group, having been secretary of that group for over ten years.   I am an officer in a number of other parliamentary groups.


I welcome your consultation and have a few comments:


  1. I think the present arrangements for annual election of officers is important to retain, as is the need for financial reporting and auditing of the Groups as necessary,


  1. I think it would be a good idea to allow peers to participate as officers  - many have relevant interests – although requiring at least one member of parliament to be chair as at present seems a good idea.


  1. During the current Covid crisis, a number of all party groups have been holding meetings on line; our cycling and walking group has attracted a large number of remote attendees (300 for one meeting), many more than can be accommodated in a committee room, and the meetings are recorded and can be viewed again.  After the end of lockdown when arrangements may get back to nearer normal, I think it would be a good idea to allow remote meetings of AP groups to continue even when based on the parliamentary estate, including the ability to allow them to be ‘zoomed’ from the parliamentary system.   This would also be a useful means of recording proceedings for future use, and also verification if necessary by the Office of Standards.



20 November 2020