Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) – Supplementary written evidence (INQ0103)


The Secretary of State asked Dr Keith Ridge, Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for England, to lead a review of overprescribing in December 2018. The Review is being guided by a Short Life Working Group (SLWG), which brings together senior stakeholders from across the healthcare system, together with patient and third sector representation. It is looking at reducing inappropriate prescribing, with a particular focus on the role of digital technologies, research, culture change and social prescribing, repeat prescribing, and transfer of care. The work was paused due to the Coronavirus pandemic because the majority of the participants have NHS clinical roles which, of course, had to take priority. Work has resumed and it is hoped the report will be finalised in the coming weeks for presentation to the Secretary of State by the end of the year.


16 November 2020