Written evidence submitted by EOGB Energy Products Ltd (DHH0020)
There is little evidence to show incentives and grants have been successful. It seem anti-competitive to industries involved in heat to state for example Heat Pumps for all oil fired existing and new properties when the fabrics of the building are simply not suitable for Heat pumps and will just result in cold homes and fuel poverty when a “Forced” technology doesn’t function how its thought it should. A sensible Balanced Net carbon zero approach is needed with a mix of suitable technologies available to the installer to evaluate what is actually going to be the most suited to the property and the budget of the home owner
Consumers are most likely to adopt energy efficiency and low carbon measures that are affordable and cause least disruption. Industries will invest if a clear path is shown
Consumers and industry will only adopt decarbonisation measures which are affordable and applicable to the varied types and ages of housing as mentioned in answer to question 1 there is no one fix for all as people properties and budgets will have huge variability. So Heat Pumps were suitable, Bio liquids such as HVO in the new and replacement oil boiler markets for rural properties and harder to heat homes and of course a Pathway to Hydrogen for the existing gas market. Bio mass doesn’t seem particularly practical in terms and cost for the end user and the particulates from biomass do seem questionable here. Also extremely questionable is the proposed inclusion of Bio LPG, which is a by product of HVO production so when it comes to questioning availability of HVO serious questions need to be asked by BEIS for evidence of Bio propane and its true availability in the market place
If there is a clear pathway manufacturers will invest and in turn promote to its customers therefore markets are then created and the energy supply will follow as it sees it as a viable investment
No comment on this as its out of my scope of expertise
Council tax could be replaced CO2e emission tax level based on the EPC certs for the property this would encourage home owner to seek the lowest carbon technology they can afford rather than being forced into a technology that may not be suitable nor affordable. More mandatory trainings for installer would be required to advise consumers also
Please see previous answers.
As per there normal activities just switch to low carbon options and industries/manufacturers will adapt also to the demand
November 2020