
Written evidence submitted by a Member of the Public

[Note: This evidence has been redacted by the Committee. Text in square brackets has been inserted where text has been redacted.]


First, I would like to say that I have made the best decision to home educate two of my [age] children who would be in [school years] respectively this academic year 2020.  Home educating my children has always been on my mind since [date]. The decision to home educate came to reality this year because of Covid-19 after years of thinking to home educate my children.

The constant calls from my sons’ school, [personal information] . Things got worse for me, when they put my [personal information]. This allowed me to really examined what was happening at school and how this impacted on my son’s well-being at school.


When schools were closed in March, and school children were doing home schooling and doing lessons remotely, my [personal information]. He was doing better work out of the school environment than at school.  Being at school, there were too much distractions and other children’s influence on him was becoming [personal information]..

So, with the Covid-19 situation, this allowed me the opportunity to educate myself with home education and research what program was best for my children and my family. Therefore, home educating my children is the best option for me and I believe parents should know what is best for their children and therefore have the right to provide that education for their children. Being an educator (Degree in education and Social Policy, and a MSc in Health Social Care Management and Policy) and a mother of both primary and secondary school children, I have to think about what is  best for my children.

I needed my children to have morals, good character and become thinking individuals that can impact society positively. Having the duty as a parent, providing the right educational environment for my children without external influences is vital to their success. This approach has proven to be more effective and beneficial for my children.


Home education should get some form of financial support from local authorities. For example, when children are eligible for free school meals in state schools, they would normally get, free school meals and are also eligible for other concessions provided by the local authority. Therefore, if low-income parents whose children are eligible for help and support by their local authorities, have decided to home educate their children, they should have available financial support for their children as well. This can be for excursions, exams or an allocated amount for each family .


November 2020