
Written evidence submitted by Earl Attlee TD



I am an active member of the House of Lords and have been since 1992.


I have two specific concerns regarding APPGs. 

The first concerns ‘claimed membership’.  So far as I can see, if a peer or MP attends a meeting of an APPG, he or she is claimed to be a member.  This cannot be proper. In my opinion, APPGs should only be able to claim that a Parliamentarian is a member if that member has paid his or her subscription of at least £10.  This would demonstrate some level of commitment to the APPG. 


The second concerns reports and inquires of APPGs.  This is I, think, a new development and that this inquiry will look at this point carefully.  I think that, in some cases, there is a deliberate attempt to elevate the status of an APPG report to that of a Select Committee Report.  Worse still, the Government seems to feel obliged to respond.  The Inquiry will be aware that there are numerous checks and balances associated with a Select Committee of either House, few of which apply to an APPG.  I urge the Inquiry to look very closely at this issue and propose effective reform or regulation in this area.


2 November 2020