Written evidence from the College of Policing and the National Police Chief’s Council (RHR0025)




Update: Police Plan of Action on Inclusion and Race Equality


Thank you for your ongoing engagement as we establish a programme that will deliver a plan of action on inclusion and race equality in policing. A shared commitment to step up our work together has already become very clear, and we see developing this work together as essential to protecting and enhancing our legitimacy as a service.


We wanted to share a written update of our work so far and next steps.


Establishing the programme


We commissioned Crest Advisory to conduct a rapid review during August and September of the potential governance arrangements for this programme of work. As part of this work, over 30 stakeholders were engaged to provide their perspective.


As a result of that work and ongoing engagement with stakeholders, we are developing a programme and governance arrangements to develop and deliver the plan of action. Key features of the proposed model include:



The five workstreams are:


Each of the workstream leads have been asked to assess ongoing work within their area, identify gaps, and potential ‘quick wins’ in addition to defining possible measures of success.


Thanks to the generosity of seven forces, we brought together an action plan team to define the resourcing requirements to establish and run the above programme, and offer support to work stream leads. The team bring valuable professional and lived experiences from a range of forces, grades and ranks, and they have been working full time since 5 October.


Since this is a shared priority across policing, and beyond, cooperation is fundamental if we are to effect lasting change. The action plan team have therefore established regular channels for communication, with the aspiration of coordination where appropriate, with organisations including APCC, MOPAC and the Prime Minister’s Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities.


First priorities for the action plan team are:



One of our biggest current challenges is balancing our desire to move quickly to achieve change with ensuring proper process to design the programme, and then the plan, in a way that equips us to achieve our ambitions, and builds legitimacy and confidence from our many stakeholders. For example, we had set an ambitious target to recruit the Independent Scrutiny Chair in October. But on the advice of independent experts have decided to consult to bring a range of views to bear on the criteria for that post, which will help us to secure a Chair who carries the confidence of key stakeholders. Similarly we need to be sure we have the resources to achieve our plan before making commitments to specific action.


Our commitment is to work at pace with due care, consideration and collaboration as we design this programme.


Thank you again for your ongoing support and engagement; we look forward to working with you and to keeping you updated on a regular basis.




