Written evidence submitted by Aston Chemicals FRE0144



It has recently come to our attention that at least some of the new UK tariffs that we will need to use for our imports after 31st December 2020 have not yet been published.  This is very concerning as we need to check and change hundreds of tariffs in our systems before 31st December, we don’t know when these tariffs will be published, and hence don’t know if we will have time to complete this work before 31st December.


As requested by the HMRC website https://www.check-future-uk-trade-tariffs.service.gov.uk/tariff, we emailed our question about one tariff code to enquiriesclassification@hmrc.gov.uk, and received the following reply:


Thank you for your email enquiry detailed below.



I hope this addresses all of your questions, and I’m sorry I cannot give you definitive answers. At this point we do not have the information to share with you at the moment. I can assure you that there are huge amounts of work going on and when we get clarity from the government etc gov.uk will be updated.


From this we can see that:


How are businesses supposed to be “getting ready” without this information?





October 2020