Supplementary written evidence submitted by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (MAC0048)
Recommendations in relation to Stop and Search.
- Further to my letters of 25 June and 16 July, I wanted to update you on the recommendations we have made in relation to stop and search in the Metropolitan Police Service, which we published yesterday.
- We have made eleven learning recommendations to the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to improve the way it exercises stop and search powers following a review of a number of recent stop and search cases of black men.
- We found the legitimacy of stop and searches was being undermined by:
• poor communication regarding the reason for the Stop and Search, or when explaining it
• a quick escalation of use of force (eg handcuffs) over verbal de-escalation
• the failure to use body-worn video from the outset of contact and
• continuing to seek further evidence after the initial grounds for the stop and search were unfounded.
- These recommendations cover a number of areas that have been raised as concerns to the Home Affairs Committee as part of the ongoing MacPherson Report 21 Years On inquiry. The full press release, which includes a link to the Metropolitan Police’s response to our recommendations, is available here.
- In addition, you will recall that I previously wrote to you regarding a recommendation we made to Bedfordshire Police in April 2020 about recording use of force on the stop and search form. I am pleased to say that Bedfordshire Police have now accepted this recommendation and amended their stop and search electronic forms to include a tick box to indicate whether force was used.
- I am pleased that both Bedfordshire Police and the Metropolitan Police Service have responded positively to our recommendations and are making improvements to the practice, recording, and scrutiny of stop and search encounters. However, as you will appreciate there still more to do to gain community confidence.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Lockwood
Director General
Independent Office for Police Conduct
October 2020