
Written evidence submitted by [a member of the public]

[Note: This evidence has been redacted by the Committee. Text in square brackets has been inserted where text has been redacted.]


Home education call for evidence


I am a [age]-year-old home educated child and I’ve been home educated for [number] years now. I am submitting evidence because the freedom of home education in the UK is very important to me as its been the best thing for my education. School does not suit everyone.

After some bad experiences at school I have loved being home educated. I have always studied maths and English but I’ve been able to focus on subjects that really interest me. Mainly geography, coding and the three sciences biology, chemistry and physics.

I am not constrained by what a teacher wants me to learn. If I find a topic I am interested in I can focus a bit more on that topic. I am learning at a higher level in some subjects than if I was in school. I am planning on doing my IGCSE in [subject] next year. I am able to spread out my IGCSE’s, I am planning to do them over 3 years. I can take time off when I need to and I can learn at any time of day that suits me. I have made some great friends that I likely wouldn’t have met if I stayed in school. My new friends I’ve made have similar interests to me and I feel like I can be myself instead of trying to fit in with the crowd. If I’m struggling with something I can get help 1 to 1 with someone.  During the pandemic my formal education hasn’t been interrupted.

Due to the pandemic some groups I went to are still closed, and I’m seeing my friends less, but I am still in touch with them. I’m concerned about what’s going on for the exams next year as I’m planning on doing my [subject] IGCSE without a tutor. Summer this year home educated children have struggled to do exams that they have worked very hard for and their parents have paid a lot of money for.

October 2020