Introduction and summary




Current spending on homelessness


The system being funded



Quantifying the spend



Exempt accommodation and Enhanced Housing Benefit



The SAR [Supported Accommodation Review in 2016] estimated that £2.15 billion was spent on ‘specified accommodation’ across Great Britain. No further breakdown was provided, but as 89% of people in specified accommodation are in exempt accommodation, it is probable that a significant proportion of this is spent on exempt accommodation.”10



Temporary accommodation crisis



The knock-on impact to single homelessness 



The impact on single homelessness



Funding for accommodation providers 



Fundraising holistic support  



Key challenges of the current system



Overreliance on Housing Benefit 






Race-to-the-bottom approaches 



Sometimes the price of a contract is so low you know you can’t afford to tender for it. We are all aware these types of procurement practices kill collaboration and collaboration is what solves homelessness for people.”



Impact on workforce 



Impact on people experiencing homelessness 



The right time for change 



November 2024


Homeless Link 2024. All rights reserved.

Homeless Link is a charity no. 1089173 and a company no. 04313826

[1] House of Commons (2024). Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Funding. HC 746. 28th February 2024; House of Commons (2024). Rough sleeping and homelessness. HC 746. 4th March 2024.

[2] Davies, G (2022). Letter from the Comptroller and Auditor General to the Chair of the LUHC Select Committee. GF 1370 22, 27th July 2022. Available at:

[3] National Audit Office (2024). The effectiveness of government in tackling homelessness. 23rd July 2024.

[4] Ibid.

[5] National Audit Office (2024). The effectiveness of government in tackling homelessness. 23rd July 2024.

[6] Crisis (2021). Crisis Policy Briefing: Tackling problems with exempt accommodation. October 2021.

[7] Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee (2022). Exempt Accommodation Report. 19th Oct 2022 HC 21.

[8] Ibid.

[9] Ibid.

[10] Davies, G (2022). Letter from the Comptroller and Auditor General to the Chair of the LUHC Select Committee. GF 1370 22, 27th July 2022. Available at:

[11] National Audit Office (2024). The effectiveness of government in tackling homelessness. 23rd July 2024.

[12] Garvie, D. et al. (2023). Still Living in Limbo: Why the Use of Temporary Accommodation Must End. Shelter.

[13] Local Government Association (2023). Post-Autumn Statement Temperature Check. November 2023.

[14] Ibid.

[15] Kent County Council (2022). Record of Decision: Kent Homeless Connect: Termination of Service. Decision no. 22/00075. Available at:

[16] Booth, R. (2024). Planned cuts to shelters in England will cost lives, say homeless people. The Guardian. 24th May 2024.

[17] Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee (2022). Exempt Accommodation Report. 19th Oct 2022 HC 21.

[18] Blood, I. et al. (2019). ‘A Traumatised System’: Research into the commissioning of homelessness services in the last 10 years. Riverside, University of York and Imogen Blood & Associates.

[19] Mackie, P., Fitzpatrick, S. and Morris, N. (2024). Prevention into Action: Gaps and opportunities in locally-led homelessness prevention in England. Homeless Link.

[20] Homeless Link, Support for single homeless people in England, Annual Review 2022, 2023.

[21] Homeless Link (2024). Homeless Link submission to the Spring Statement 2024.

[22] Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee (2022). Exempt Accommodation Report. 19th Oct 2022 HC 21.

[23] Homeless Link (2021). Everyone In for Good: Homeless Link submission to the Comprehensive Spending Review 2021.

[24] Homeless Link (2024). Being Trauma-Informed – a practice development framework.

[25] Grassian, T. (2022). 2022 Workforce Survey: Key Findings. Homeless Link.

[26] Ibid.

[27] Blood, I. et al. (2019). ‘A Traumatised System’: Research into the commissioning of homelessness services in the last 10 years. Riverside, University of York and Imogen Blood & Associates.