Written evidence submitted by Frimley ICB (PSN0015) |
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| Independent inquiry or review recommendation under evaluation | Has the recommendation been implemented? Or (in the case of a recommendation whose deadline has not yet been reached) Is the recommendation on track to be implemented? | Has there been specific and adequate funding to enable the recommendation to be implemented? | Has there been a positive impact on patients and people in receipt of social care as a result of the recommendation being implemented? | Was the Government’s interpretation and implementation of the recommendation appropriate? |
1 | Maternity care and leadership | Partially- Maternity and newborn safety investigations programme (MNSI) hosted by CQC (and formally HSIB) review stillbirths, early neonatal deaths and maternal deaths and provide independent reviews and recommendations. Alongside this MBRRACE (mothers and babies reducing risk and confidential enquires) provide trends and analysis of cases at trust, regional and national levels. MBRRACE reports are published two years retrospectively which is the key barrier to independently scrutinising trends in real time. | Partially Additional funding to provide MBRRACE data in real time or with a lag that is shorter than the current two years would dramatically improve the ability to independently analyse and scrutinise deaths and trends and pick up on early warnings | n/a | Partially as described |
| Recommendation 2: | Nolan Principles are implemented and more recently the Fit and Proper Person Test which addresses sanctions for non-compliance and disqualification. Organisations report to NHSE on their compliance with FPPT. Within the ICB the Chief Medical Officer, Chief Nursing Officer and two Primary Care Partner Members (both GPs) need their annual professional revalidation / accreditation. The Chief People Officer also needs to have a professional HR registration, similarly the Chief Finance Officer. | n/a | n/a | n/a |
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| Independent inquiry or review recommendation under evaluation | Has the recommendation been implemented? Or (in the case of a recommendation whose deadline has not yet been reached) Is the recommendation on track to be implemented? | Has there been specific and adequate funding to enable the recommendation to be implemented? | Has there been a positive impact on patients and people in receipt of social care as a result of the recommendation being implemented? | Was the Government’s interpretation and implementation of the recommendation appropriate? |
2 | Training of staff in health and social care | Frimley has run its own system collaborative leadership initiatives since 2017. Most notable our flagship 20/20 system leadership programme and Wavelength digital leadership programmes, pre-date the 2022 (Messenger/Pollard) review but are very much aligned in terms of leading-edge content, and impactful outcomes, with the common findings and the 'triple lens' recommendations within the 2022 review and others (including Hewitt 2023). | ICB funded - following a stringent investment review process. Funding is adequate for the Frimley System Academy to maintain current 20/20 and Wavelength programme schedule and momentum. | To date 20/20 and Wavelength programmes have been a catalyst for c.200 change challenges a broad ranging powerful method for unlocking cross system collaboration and personal agency, alongside numerous transformation ideas. Current examples include:
complex diabetes conditions culture programme with potential to work cross system with our Frimley Academy. typically c. 40%, in levels of system collaboration, increased knowledge, skills, awareness, and the proliferation of networks which are breaking down barriers, building trust and strengthening relationships across our system. | Yes, but should go further. The co-design of a dual national and local Framework can almost certainly support the integration of the review recommendations and leverage shared Health and Social Care ambitions by providing consistency in wider system approach, setting the terms, the priority skills, levels of proficiency and behaviours, the broad, core curricula and standards required for effective collaboration and transformation, with the mutually supporting local system flexibility for context relevant initiatives and induction to coexist in the detail. |
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| Independent inquiry or review recommendation under evaluation | Has the recommendation been implemented? Or (in the case of a recommendation whose deadline has not yet been reached) Is the recommendation on track to be implemented? | Has there been specific and adequate funding to enable the recommendation to be implemented? | Has there been a positive impact on patients and people in receipt of social care as a result of the recommendation being implemented? | Was the Government’s interpretation and implementation of the recommendation appropriate? |
| Culture of safety/whistleblowing | Frimley ICB actively fosters a culture of safety. The ICB has a patient safety network which is designed to openly share learning across the system. The ICB and System Partners participate in the staff surveys which is a great barometer to monitor if staff feel comfortable to raise concerns; any actions that arise are responded to. The ICB’ S F2SU Guardian has created a ‘community of practice' with the other Guardians in the system and the Executive and Non Executive Leads. This group will meet quarterly to highlight issues/share learning and best practice . | All System Partners work collaboratively to ensure safety is a priority in everything we do. Patient safety wouldn’t be compromised due to funding. Frimley ICB has a robust risk and QIA process in place, especially when decision need to be made. No specific funding was made available for this recommendation. | Frimley ICB continues to have strong working relationship with Local Authorities and work collaboratively to support patients/residents to ensure there is a positive impact from a culture of safety. | Frimley ICB, continuously self assess and monitor compliance against any recommendations, whether that is direct from the Government, nationally commissioned reports or from regulators. There are governance processes in place and routes of escalation. |
3 | Recommendation 2: | Frimley ICB have supported Primary Care to have robust FTSU policies and currently the CQC have not identified any areas for improvement on this metric. | As no additional funding has been received Frimley ICB are currently working toi identify a solution using current resources | Not able to determine impact at this time | As above |
Jan 2024