Written evidence from the North East Derbyshire District Council ELV0146
North East Derbyshire District Council’s Considerations regarding Low Carbon Transport are within Theme 3 of its Climate Change Strategy, focusing on its own fleet, rather than the Council having a separate EV infrastructure strategy.
As a District within a two-tier area, NEDDC works with Derbyshire County Council as local transport authority and other Districts and Boroughs within the County on the development of the local EV infrastructure and harnessing of external funds such as LEVI. The focus of NEDDC within this collaboration is the EV infrastructure we can provide from our public car parks.
Strategic co-ordination at this Countywide level is more appropriate for North East Derbyshire as the Council does not have the resources to provide significant dedicated officer support to this issue, as our current climate change priorities are more focused on fabric first adaptations for local housing and our own estate, biodiversity and support to local businesses through grants and changes to operational practices. We do however look at EV infrastructure within site specific developments we are responsible for, such as the Clay Cross Town Deal and it’s town centre regeneration.
The Council is engaged in Countywide collaborative work at transport authority level regarding EV infrastructure (which for us is focused on what we can offer from our public car parks). Limited internal staffing resources are the main barrier to focusing on and co-ordinating this issue at any greater depth at a District level. Additional dedicated resources (such as LEVI) would allow for greater investment across Derbyshire and expedite the installation at the sites identified within the Derbyshire EV study.
NEDDC has not currently benefited from any LEVI or ORCS funding although is hopeful that it will be able to access funding via Derbyshire County Council from the funding scheme being developed at a Countywide level. This is expected to be available in the New Year.