Local Government Association                            HRSC0070

LGA Supplementary evidence submission

Natural England Green Infrastructure Framework

As the scheme is voluntary, and only launched early this year, we don’t yet have a full account of who is using it.

Natural England, as the policy designer, hold the most information concerning usage. They are currently working with 27 Councils to help embed the GI Framework into local plans, policies, strategies and design codes.  This is being done through training workshops. They already have a few examples of where we know it has been embedded: Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy 2023 – Herefordshire Council.

While neither the LGA, nor Natural England have data from across the local authority cohort, they are about to run a monitoring and evaluation contract that will include a survey to local authorities to gather this sort of data. We expect that to be completed by spring next year but may have data before then. 

Cllr Taylors Oral Evidence Clarification

During the session Cllr Taylor was asked a question on how councils can identify and map people who are particularly vulnerable to the effects of extreme heat. The question and answer can be found at Q98.

 She said that councils know where vulnerable people are because of DWP data and that work to identify the vulnerable was strengthened during the pandemic through work with the VSC sector, but this has lapsed a bit.

 We wanted to point out that Councils have vulnerability mapping lists, that have not lapsed following the pandemic. Councils work extensively with the VCSE and provide extensive outreach work to identify vulnerable cohorts of people.

Adverse Weather and Health Plan | Local Government Association

L15-506 Extreme Weather Communications Guidance (local.gov.uk)

 Councils also produce Cold and Heatwave Plans and guidance is available for those working with vulnerable communities to help identify those in the greatest need. As ever, how much councils can do is limited by the finances available to them to do the outreach work but there are some strong case studies in Birmingham and Hampshire. See below:

Birmingham – climate change and vulnerable communities | Local Government Association

Hampshire County Council: Year of Resilience | Local Government Association


November 2023