Written evidence submitted by the Naval Families Federation
Dear Mr Courts MP
Evidence Session – 13 September 2023
Thank you for your letter dated 14 September and opportunity to provide follow-up written evidence.
The New Accommodation Offer was launched on 19 September and is based on findings from the Future Accommodation Model (FAM) pilot. Whilst early days in terms of gathering feedback from our families, indications are that they welcome further choice, including opportunity to scope accommodation in the private rental sector. Recognition of differing family constructs has also proved popular.
The communications package behind the New Accommodation Offer is comprehensive and includes opportunity for face-to-face Roadshows in three venues across England.
Allocation based on need, rather than rank, is a significant shift and has been received with mixed views; some understanding the practicalities of space for larger families with others feeling that the ‘offer’ continues to be somewhat diluted. We will continue to gather evidence on both the short and long term impact of this shift.
The Forces Help to Buy Scheme (FHTB) scheme has been well received and have we no evidence of need for alternative provision.
The Families Federations all contributed to the The Haythornthwaite Review (HRAFI) and we are delighted to see that consideration beyond serving personnel has been included. We know from the UK Tri-Service Families Continuous Attitude Survey Results 2023 that RN and RM families are the most likely to own a home (76%). This is followed by 66% of RAF families. Army families are the least likely to own a home (51%). Therefore, accommodation considerations in the Review are less relevant to our audience however a move to a people value proposition, investment in Single Living Accommodation and simplification of associated allowances would be most welcome.
22 September 2023