
Written evidence submitted by Lt Col R H Crawford RA and Ann Crawford

Submission to Defence Sub-Committee inquiry into Service Accommodation.

I am currently a serving officer in the Army posted to a unit in Aldershot.  My wife and I have lived in seven SFA quarters since 2013 when we got married – we have lived in the UK and BFG.  We have two six year olds boys who have been in five houses.  Below are observations on the current SFA process in response to the questions raised by the committee.

I have submitted this response as I feel our service personnel deserve to have an accommodation system that supports them.  Currently I think it can introduce significant pressure and stress into the work place and into the home space.  I hope this inquiry will provide the evidence and impetus for change.

What is the MOD doing and what more could they do to rebuild trust in Service Accommodation?











Benefits and drawbacks of the Future Accommodation Model.


31 October 2023