
Written evidence submitted by Mrs Jennie Anderson


Future Fam and Condition of housing Northwood 


I am the wife of a serving officer and live in Service Families Accommodation in the Northwood HQ area. On this patch there are a large number of houses that have subsidence and have not been maintained. In the two years since we have lived here we have watched them one by one going from occupation to be declared ‘void’ and subsequently become beyond affordable repair (despite receiving expensive new roofs during that time).


It is very difficult to get housing in Northwood as it is scarce. Some of the jobs include calls in the middle of the night that require urgent response on secure networks ‘behind the wire’ and on an international scale, so proximity is often essential. There are two significant operational organisations (PJHQ and the Maritime Operations Centre) working within the limits of the base and also NATO’s Maritime Command HQ and UK Strategic Command base, all competing for limited housing.


My concerns are the following:


Why is housing in the immediate area being left to decay?


Under the new FAM model will families be expected to pay a rent commensurate with the local area rate (which for the Northwood area is approximately £4800 pcm for a four bed within a short commute of the base)? Which exceeds our monthly income before tax. If not, how will the MOD find this cost?



31 October 2023