
              Written evidence submitted anonymously


About the author: I am a regular army Major currently commanding a subunit. I am married with a child who has autism and other special educational needs. We live as a family in Service Families Accommodation. I have served for over 10 years.

I am writing to express my concern over the new accommodation model, which I worry will cause talent and diversity to haemorrhage from the army, and subsequently reduce our capability on land. It also contravenes law by inadvertently discriminating against a protected characteristic: disability.

Improving the lived experience of service personnel is a noble task, and one that we as commanders strive to achieve every day. NAO’s increased options for long-term relationships and support for those who weekly commute are both good news. The issue with NAO will be Service Families Accommodation (SFA) in garrison towns such as Aldershot, Tidworth, Bulford, Catterick, or, where demand outstrips supply.

The principal issue is that NAO decides entitlement based simply on the number of children, rather than attempting to model a more realistic definition of need. Basing it solely on number of children is an issue because of the following logic:







The FAM/NAO roadshows repeatedly answer questions with two counterarguments; both of which are flawed.


To conclude, three recommendations to improve NAO.



I hope that you can help change an accommodation model that has the best of intentions at heart, but requires significant further thought before implementation. Thank you for taking the time to read my perspective.


30 October 2023

[1] Indirect discrimination - Discrimination at work - Acas