
Written evidence submitted by Caroline Nokes MP


I am submitting this evidence as the constituency MP for Middle Wallop, home of the Army Air Corps, and on behalf of a number of forces families who have been in touch with me specifically about the MoD’s New Accommodation Model. 


Families have particularly expressed their concern to me that Officers will no longer be entitled to expect larger accommodation, and the strain that will place on them. We know our forces families are required to move frequently, and there is a particular concern that the lack of entitlement to a spare room will make it much harder for family to visit from elsewhere in the country or indeed world.


I have included their direct comments below:



1                     It will gradually impact and break down officer communities, it will be unfair for soldiers & officers living next to each other. It will isolate so many wives/partners because you’ll lose the community that is such an important support system.


2                     It’s a decision that’s been made without a full understanding of patch life. Who wants to be living next to their boss, and visa versa?


3                     Imagine another career where you’re being rewarded for your ability to reproduce. The military is supposed to be a meritocracy where you are rewarded for achievement, and part of that reward is size of house. It’s part of the deal that we signed up for. How they can take it away and give no compensation to officers is beyond me. 


4                     Many of us have worked to move through the ranks and commission. The motivation for this being a better salary and frankly a bigger house. If you take half of that away, there becomes no need for ambition. 



What I find distressing is that families were afraid to respond to the call for evidence themselves as they were concerned it would be held against them.  Hence the submission in my name.



23 October 2023