

Written evidence submitted by Mrs Carlee Towl

My name is Carlee and I am a spouse of a currently serving Army officer with a young child, living in SFA. I would like to submit evidence on the two below points.

Do the new Future Defence Infrastructure Services (FDIS) contracts for Service Family Accommodation represent value for money and are they operating effectively?

In the experiences we have had with Vivo, they are absolutely not efficient or providing value for money to the MOD. In a few smaller incidents we have had had to rectify the errors of the workmen sent out on jobs to our houses (leaking taps to be fixed, the wrong size olive used, we have had to go out and buy the correct size) (collapsing retaining wall, someone came and removed all the supports, we had to re turf the mud pit left behind) but in a few instances the damaged cause by these contractors has made living in SFA problematic until the problems have eventually been fixed. We had a leaking overflow in our roof which was dripping water outside the house. A Vivo “engineer’ came to fix it and actually made it so that the water was leaking inside our house. Two weeks later the water shorted our electrics, collapsed ceilings and flooded our airing cupboard. Vivo took two days to come and look at it. For two days we had no water or electrics as turning them on would have caused a fire. Black mould grew, the redecorating took months, the damage and issue caused by this, ongoing. This is only one example of the shambles of issues we have had with this provider.


What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Future Accommodation Model? How successful was the Future Accommodation Model pilot and what should the MOD take forward to include in the new accommodation offer?

One of the inevitable drawbacks of the proposal of mixed (ie Officers and soldiers) patches will be a complete lack of retention.  We sold our own house when my daughter was born so that we could enjoy and utilise the support of like minded colleagues and families on the patch.  My mother also comes over to stay with us (from Australia) when my husband deploys. Under the new scheme this would not only be withdrawing this vital support, due to the restriction of bedrooms, but the mixing of ranks would make spaces like patch playgrounds, less desirable places for my husband to unwind and enjoy family time, without the scrutiny of those he commands. If this change were to take place we would immediately look to move (which would separate our family and potentially cause strain) or my husband would reconsider his job.  I can not stress enough how important it is that we feel safe and happy in our homes, of which we feel would be jeopardised by the proposed changes.


23 October 2023