
Written evidence submitted by Glenn Allison

Accommodation evidence submission


I’m a SNCO within the RAF having served 21 years in UK bases in England, Scotland and Wales, and have occupied SLA for the entirety of my service. I will submit answers to some of the points raised in the call for evidence page.

Point 1: Regarding maint tasks, when submitting faults via the local area contractor SPOC the lead times and priority’s given are often comical. This accommodation in many cases are peoples main residence due to the movement and career progression of inhabitants, if this was your private accommodation or rented a lead time of 30 days to change a light or replace a toilet seat would be viewed as totally unacceptable. On the plus side some contractors have had a common-sense approach, when I had a report in for a light out in my room and the toilet seat in communal ablutions had been broken. The electrician who came to replace the light informed me that the plumbers were really busy and that they wouldn’t be out to sort the toilet for a week or more, I asked if they supplied me with the seat could I fit as it is a simple job. This was done and a small self-help task removed workload from the contractor and rectified the fault a week early so 30 people weren’t trying to use two toilets.

Point 3: Service accommodation trust, the MOD/Single Service orgs have seemingly absolved themselves of responsibility regarding accommodation, “oh that’s DIO, we have no sway or say in it”. Complaints are made to the contractor (DIO) and it doesn’t seem that there is any accountability just a thank you for your complaint, as accommodation is often spouted as part of “the Service offer”, should the Service not have a larger involvement and a more visible interaction with the accommodation provider. Not have the accom rep as a secondary duty along with a primary role.

Point 4: Examples of good practice, unfortunately this is very much location based, of the 6 Stn’s post Ph1/2 trg I have been to only two camps are at what I would call acceptable standard (that being the aim from Air Grade1/2). RAF Leeming and Coningsby are near all SLAM grade 1 which have adequate laundry and cooking facilities, with large enough rooms/baggage rooms to keep the large amount of kit and eqpt expected to have for the multi environments we operate in. While also giving people enough space to hold personal items and have a balance between work and private life. The other 4 Stn’s offered poor standards (Lossiemouth, Marham, Scampton and Odiham) which fall far below the aim of Air, Scampton, Marham and Odiham are all at grade 3/4 (Odiham only have 1 grade 3 the rest grade 4). This is coupled with continual hot water and heating issues, also of note is that Lossie and Marham have had significant budgets spent on new platforms and infra while accom has seemed to lack investment. Although Scampton is now shut/shutting the accom standards where the most high-profile PR unit of the RAF was stationed was questionable at best. Odiham my current unit is the home of the Ch Fce, one of the most deployable units for RAF SP (at present under Land) has some of the worst accom and infra I’ve seen in my career. Many of the SP here due to specialisation or role could spend a large amount of their career at Odiham, so this I feel is a massive indicator and reason why the PVR and non-reengagement levels are so hig.

Point:5 Investment and modernisation, Every brief I have ever attended ref the upgrade of accom or the standard always reverts to, “once funding is agreed there is at least a 5 year period before it comes to fruition”. I find this to be absolutely ludicrous and having worked within the building industry know that this is something that would not be tolerated there, what also amazes me is that due to the modular construction of SLAM the construction phase is even more streamlined.

Point 6: Future accom model: The offer to private rent with support etc is great if you are in a cheap area like Lincoln, but trying to afford that in areas around Odiham, Benson, Brize Norton is unachievable so again comes down to location based. This means you can be disadvantaged depending on your posting and will mean there will be camps everyone wants to go to and ones no one wants to go to.


20 October 2023