Anonymous written evidence submission
Our experiences with Service Families Accommodation have been overwhelmingly negative and, from my conversations with other SP (Service Personnel) are the main contributory reason for SP to leave the service early.
My wife is Ukrainian and has elderly parents still in Kharkiv due to their ill health. At the outbreak of the war, we managed to secure them both a visa the British government thankfully introduced. Upon speaking to them, they said that due to ill health they would leave Ukraine but needed to know where they were staying. Being as we were only allocated a 2-bedroom house (we have 1 child but Officers who have no children are offered 3-bedroom houses!) I reached out to Pinnacle to request a 3-bedroom house and explained the situation.
They simply responded that I had “already been allocated and wouldn’t be moved despite the welfare concerns”. This led to severe anxiety and concern on my wife’s part, as she had heard and watched the Russian escalation against civilians.
This, in turn, led to depression and anxiety in me. Due to this, I’m currently classed as being “non-productive”.
The company running SFA – Pinnacle – are an embarrassment. Our living room window was smashed by one of the contractors mowing the grass and they sent someone out on the day to ‘make it safe’. Afterwards, the guy said that he would put in an order for a new window and it would take 10-15 days. After 12 days, I rang Pinnacle and they said no order had been put through. The person on the phone assured me that the someone would contact me soon.
However, no one did so I called Pinnacle again. They said they would try to reach the person responsible (another outsourced company) but the phone was just ringing out. It’s now been almost 3 weeks – our window is still damaged and there is no movement from anyone. My daughter is getting more and more cold due to the draught – what kind of dystopian living arrangement is this?
This case is but one of thousands. Some have no hot water; others have life-threatening mould. Some have leaks that aren’t fixed, and others have houses literally falling apart. The question “why should I commit to the King/UK government when no one supports us” is becoming louder and louder and there was even talk of married soldiers, sailors and aviators striking for the first time in history.
If the government needs and relies on the Armed Forces then the current SFA situation needs to change or there will be soon mass resignations, strikes and refusals to soldier. If you simply look after the troop and make the job an attractive one, more will stay and morale will significantly rise.
Given the state of housing, frequent public outcries, social media talk (there are numerous FB groups set up such as ‘Pinnacle Problems’ etc.) fewer and fewer people are joining the military.
Something needs to change and fast before this government becomes the first one in history to deal with mutinous troops who have been driven by extreme measures by nothing other than concern for the families.
20 October 2023