Written evidence submitted anonymously
Introduction: I am a Major in the British Army. My married quarter is in […]
Summary: I have had multiple issues with my quarter but 3 faults in particular highlight the poor level of service provided to maintain the quarters.
- En-suite shower does not work. This was reported as we moved into the quarter at the end of March 2022 and has still not been repaired to date (27 Aug 23) with no solution options provided and no downgrade in rental cost. Engineers have been called out multiple times and each time a plumber was sent out who just took the shower head off, took a bit of air out of the system and but the shower head back on stating that was the best they could do as it was a known problem on the street and that they would make a note stating a pump or electric shower needed to be fitted – note, I have been told by Pinnacle customer solutions when I have called and asked that the engineer never added the note to the system after any of their appointments to the quarter. As at 27 Aug 23, I am still waiting for a solution to the shower repair that has been required since I moved into the quarter in March 2022 (17 months), and I have been told I can only get a temporary downgrade agreed when the repair has been completed. In the meantime, I remain paying the full rent for a property that has long standing faults.
- A leaking shower above the gas boiler was not fixed for multiple weeks even though it was deemed urgent and should have been repaired in 48hrs. I reported this leak on Mon 17 Oct and I was told it was urgent and would be repaired within 48hours. I then had to chase the repair on 19th, 21st, 26th of Oct and when someone did turn up on the 31 Oct 22 (14 days after I had been told it was an urgent repair that would be done in 2 days) a plumber turned up but couldn't repair it as he needed a joiner. On 4 Nov I chased again and spoke to Julie (Customer Solutions Advisor) who promised a call back that day with an appointment, but I never got a call. 9th Nov I chased it again and was given an appointment for 15th November for a plumber and joiner to fix the leak. This happened but the utility room was left with a large hole, approx. 1.5m x 1.5m in the roof which was only repaired in January 2023 when a joiner came round to fix a door and he offered to do it as we were getting no luck having someone book in the repair. It also became apparent that the plumber who had previously been to fix smelly drains in the shower had broken the shower drainpipes when clearing them.
- TV aerial was reported as broken in Nov 2022 and a temporary fix was applied which broke again in May 2023. Engineers that attended incorrectly logged the job as fixed when it clearly wasn’t, and it took multiple calls to chase and get the correct fix completed at the end of June 2023.
19 October 2023