VSO Submission to the International Development Committee’s Inquiry into FCDO and disability- inclusive development


VSO is an international development agency that works through volunteers. VSO sees disability inclusion as a development goal and a human rights issue. We want to ensure that people with disabilities are listened to and can live with respect and dignity. We work to achieve this by ensuring people with disabilities participate in development processes and that our programmes and organisation are inclusive of them. We address the barriers to inclusion by challenging harmful social norms that feed negative attitudes and behaviour towards disability, working to remove physical and communication barriers, and enhancing leadership and meaningful participation of persons with disabilities in decision-making. We work directly with people with disabilities as well as their families and communities to achieve positive change. We strive to collect and use data on disability in a meaningful way so that we can identify and reach those most disadvantaged and measure impact. We welcome the opportunity to contribute to this inquiry. VSO is a member of Bond’s disability and development group and also supports their submission.

FCDO’s role on disability inclusion

















For further information, please contact Ruth Jackson, UK Parliamentary Adviser, Ruth.Jackson@vsoint.org


IDC disability inclusion inquiry

VSO written submission



[1] For example, Brown Niyonsaba in Rwanda: https://www.vsointernational.org/news/blog/watch-brown-a-film-by-volunteers-brown-niyonsaba-and-justin-spray


[2] Helping those with disabilities around the globe - BBC News

[3] New international volunteering programme announced in Andrew Mitchell’s Chatham house speechhttps://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/minister-andrew-mitchell-speech-on-the-future-of-international-development


[4] https://www.vsointernational.org/our-work/inclusive-education/system-strengthening/building-learning-foundations

[5] https://www.vsointernational.org/our-work/inclusive-education/empowering-a-new-generation-of-adolescent-girls-education