Written evidence submitted by Captain Stuart Pearson
My submission is reference to the draw backs and concerns raised with the new accommodation model.
I have been lucky enough to serve for 31 years as a soldier and officer in the British Army. The divide between soldier and officer accommodation is essential in upholding the discipline of the unit. One that highlights this, is the needs for the CO to be away from the soldiers and officers to allow all to enjoy their family time without the “boss” looking over your shoulder. I have read that the new accommodation offer also only encompasses those of Maj/OF3 and below. Surely this is a case of senior officers looking after themselves again. A bit like the new TACOS and pensions. Those o 2* rank remain on current pensions rights etc. The Armies mantra and values and standards don’t seem to fit with all in the Army, only those that don’t have a voice at the table to complain loud enough.
How will it be decided who gets what house when it comes to 2 families, one officer and one soldier of the same size families, of which should get what was a grade for soldiers and one that was a grade for officers. The fact that I have spent 21 years in married accommodation means that I have grown into my current space. Will the MOD pay for storage of my items if they do not fit in to a new home?
Overall, the sentiment for a new FAM is probably a good idea, but the execution has been poor, and the concerns raised across the MOD have proved that no-one is really keen for this to go ahead. The RAF have different TACOS which allow for accommodation to be tied into their contracts. Is it tri-service or just Army and Navy that will feel this?
2 October 2023