Written evidence submitted by Migrant Help [DPH 025]

DLUHC: Call for Evidence: Disabled people in the housing sector


Migrant Help exist to protect people affected by displacement and exploitation, helping them thrive as individuals and recover from their trauma. We support those most in need and least likely to find support elsewhere, whilst aiming to bridge community gaps and bring services and support together.

We support clients through the asylum process, as refugees and survivors of trafficking as they settle into their new communities. We ask that asylum seekers, refugees, and survivors of trafficking with confirmed accessibility issues have the same rights and recourse as all residents in England when it comes to accessible and adaptable housing.


What role should the Government, Local Authorities and developers have for ensuring the delivery of suitable housing for disabled people?


What can the Government do to ensure disabled residents across England have access to accessible and adaptable housing?

Case study: Jane has a bone degenerative condition and is cared for by a parent. Jane is a teenager and registered disabled. Her parent received notice, to leave their existing accommodation. The parent/carer identified a potential property to move to which was undergoing renovations. The landlord of the new property was willing to build an annex which would accommodate a separate bedroom and wet room to meet Jane’s current and future needs. The landlord contacted the local authority and was informed of the DFA. Jane would need to be assessed in her existing property, the assessment submitted with the plan of potential works, where a decision could take up to 6months. The time limit to receive a decision was too long for the landlord, who chose to continue with the accessibility requirements for Jane and their parent, providing accommodation that would meet their current and future needs, preventing them from becoming homeless.


How can the Government ensure it provides sufficient provisions to support disabled residents who do not live in new build homes? What can the Government do to support disabled tenants in the private rented sector?

September 2023

Migrant Help                             Page 2 of 2


[1] Branch properties: Accessible housing for disabled people

[2] www.Foundations.uk.com: The difficulty in adapting existing properties