Written evidence from Anonymous (ELV0024)
Response to Call for Evidence against decarbonising cars and vans in the UK
5. What is your view on the accuracy of the information in the public domain relating to EVs and their usage?
I believe that the accuracy is 0%.
- the government and mainstream media deliberately ignore the aspects of slavery and also child abuse involved in mining the Lithium that is used in EV batteries. Cobalt production is linked to child labour in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. There is also the issue of workers’ rights, pay and conditions and treatment of the environment. https://www.greenpeace.org.uk/news/electric-cars-greener-petrol-cars/?source=GA&subsource=GOFRNAOAGA034J&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI66Hy26OJgQMV8PLjBx1ugABvEAMYASAAEgIaQfD_BwE
- the government and media deliberately ignore the hazards of EV batteries – they do not report any incidents of EV catching fire, exploding and even going out of control and inflicting injury and death on other road users and pedestrians etc.
- humans are deliberately mislead about the volume of transport to bring the various components together to make an EV – this would mean the EV has a very high carbon foot print. The manufacturing and disposal of electric vehicles result in more greenhouse gases than nonelectric models
6. What are the overall environmental benefits that would result from achieving the 2030 and 2035 targets?
There are no advantages:
- the government and media deliberately ignore the problem/ lack of recycling of abandoned batteries caused by the limited life of batteries. Discarded batteries pose a threat to human health and environmental sustainability, lithium-ion batteries may overheat and fire when exposed to high temperatures or when penetrated, releasing carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide that can be very harmful to human health. In addition, waste batteries will also cause water pollution and inhibit the growth and reproduction of aquatic organisms and other potential dangers The Hazards of Electric Car Batteries and Their Recycling - IOPscience
- the government and media ignore the fact that EV are charged using electricity generated by primarily, coal fired power stations. Using renewable energy ignores the fact that wind turbines have to be turned by drawing on coal fired power stations before the wind turbine can begin to contribute energy that is intermittent at best and cannot realistically contribute to the electricity grid.
- The government and media misleads humans about the benefits of EV: University of Liege researcher Damien Ernst found that the typical EV would have to travel between 67,000 km and 151,000 km before it emitted less CO2 than a comparable gasoline vehicle. He later revised his figures down.
- Fossil fuels are not ‘dirty’ as the government seeks to nudge humans into making a ridiculous choice of vehicle. EV are charged by coal fired power stations!
- EV are heavier than petrol and diesel vehicles: pollution comes from cars’ tyres and brakes and this negates any benefits that might come from a child exploitation EV industry
7. What are the likely costs that will be faced by consumers as a result of the Government’s phase-out dates for non-zero emissions vehicles? Are there policies or initiatives that the Government could use to specifically target barriers arising from unpredictable costs to the consumer, for example significant fluctuations in the cost of electricity, changes to road taxes, or the introduction of low emission zones?
- By destroying the existing diesel and petrol vehicles, the government is destroying vehicles that are now carbon neutral to replace them with a carbon foot print. That is not saving anything.
- Many people cannot afford to buy a new car or choose not to do so. The government is removing choice – that is tantamount to slavery.
- By forcing people to chose a second hand low value EV milk float, the government is putting humas at risk of physical injury: be it by explosion/fire; by poisoning: carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide
In conclusion I strongly object to the lie that is EV. The government is pushing in human control and exploitation under the radar. Exploiting gullible humans to purchase vehicles made by companies that government individuals have a vested interest in is not about making any environmental savings.