Written evidence from The British Association for Sexual Health and HIV [WRH0021]


Executive Summary






This submission is made on behalf of the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH).

BASHH is the lead professional representative body for specialist physicians in GUM managing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV in the UK. It has a prime role in education and training, in determining, monitoring and maintaining standards of governance in sexual health and HIV care. BASHH also works to further the advancement of public health in relation to STIs, HIV and other sexual health problems and acts as a champion in promoting good sexual health and providing education to the public.

Commissioning of sexual and reproductive health services







HIV Care for Women










Sexually Transmitted Infections



Access to routine contraception





[1] Sophia Forum and Terrence Higgins Trust. Women and HIV: Invisible No Longer. Available at https://www.tht.org.uk/our-work/our-campaigns/women-and-hiv-invisible-no-longer. Accessed August 2023.

[2] Terrence Higgins Trust. HIV statistics. Available at https://www.tht.org.uk/hiv-and-sexual-health/about-hiv/hiv-statistics Accessed August 2023.

[3] GOV.UK. Towards Zero - An action plan towards ending HIV transmission, AIDS and HIV-related deaths in England - 2022 to 2025. Available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/towards-zero-the-hiv-action-plan-for-england-2022-to-2025/towards-zero-an-action-plan-towards-ending-hiv-transmission-aids-and-hiv-related-deaths-in-england-2022-to-2025#objective-1-ensure-equitable-access-and-uptake-of-hiv-prevention-programmes-1. Accessed August 2023.

[4] NHS. Emergency department opt out testing for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C: The first 100 days. Available at https://www.england.nhs.uk/2023/06/thousands-of-new-hiv-and-hepatitis-cases-identified-thanks-to-nhs-testing-pilot/. Accessed August 2023.

[5] Sophia Forum. Not PrEPared. Barriers to accessing HIV prevention drugs in England. Available at https://sophiaforum.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/PrEP-report-FINAL-1.pdf. Accessed August 2023.

[6] UK Health Security Agency. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): data tables. June 2023. Available at: https:// www.gov.uk/government/statistics/sexually-transmitted-infections-stis-annual-data-tables. Accessed August 2023.

[7] NHS England. ISOSS Syphilis Report. November 2022. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/infectious-diseases-in-pregnancy-screening-isoss-syphilis-report-2022/isoss-syphilis-report-2022. Accessed August 2023

[8] All Party Parliamentary Group on Sexual and Reproductive Health in the UK. Women’s Lives,

Women’s Rights: Strengthening Access to Contraception Beyond the Pandemic - a progress review. Available https://www.fsrh.org/documents/appg-srh-access-to-contraception-inquiry-2022-progress-report/. Accessed August 2023.

[9] GOV.UK. Health matters: reproductive health and pregnancy planning. Available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/health-matters-reproductive-health-and-pregnancy-planning/health-matters-reproductive-health-and-pregnancy-planning. Accessed August 2023.

[10] Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health. FSRH Statement on latest UKHSA and OHID Sexual and Reproductive Health profile statistics. Available at https://www.fsrh.org/news/fsrh-statement-on-latest-ukhsa-and-ohid-sexual-and-reproductive/. Accessed August 2023.

[11] Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health. Achieving success with the Women’s Health Hub (WHH) model - Joint position of the RCOG, the RCGP, the FSRH and the BMS
https://www.fsrh.org/documents/joint-position-of-the-rcog-the-rcgp-the-fsrh-and-the-bms/. Accessed August 2023.



August 2023