Dr Alexander Waller (American University of Sovereign Nations) HRSC0023
Written evidence submitted by Dr Alexander Waller
Evidence for the Environmental Audit Committee Heat resilience and sustainable cooling inquiry.
Alexander Waller PhD MSc BSc (Hons) CBiol FRSB CChem MRSC
Visiting Professor of Environmental Ethics, American University of Sovereign Nations
This opinion piece is a review of the current literature that is relevant to some of the questions in the terms of reference for the committee call for written evidence for the inquiry into heat resilience and sustainable cooling. This is framed within the context of the UNEP (2022) Emissions Gap report, which states that:
The energy that is used for heating, cooling and appliances per square metre of floor area, needs to decrease globally by 10–30 per cent in commercial buildings and 20–30 per cent in residential buildings, relative to 2015 levels, by 2030.
The same report prioritises that building thermal efficiency should be optimized and zero-emissions technology for heating and cooling should be scaled-up. However, technical solutions alone are not sufficient to reach a target of limiting global warming to 1.5oC, so this paper addresses some of both the social and technical dimensions (Eyre et al, 2018).
What evidence exists on the relationship between heat and human health (mortality and morbidity), and which communities are worst affected?
There is a growing body of evidence from at least two decades that demonstrates a clear link between increased temperatures and decreases in human health and wellbeing. WHO (2018) lists these as both direct and indirect effects as listed in the table below. Climate change has also aggravated 58% of infectious diseases (Mora et al, 2022). The IPCC Climate Change 2022 Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability report warns that rising global greenhouse gas emissions could soon outstrip the ability of many communities to adapt. Currently over half of the world’s population living in cities with that proportion expected to rise two-thirds by 2050 according to the World Bank indicators.
Direct effects | Indirect effects |
Heat illnesses such as heat stroke & dehydration Accelerated deaths from chronic diseases Hospitalisations for a range of diseases including diabetes, respiratory, renal, strokes and mental health illnesses | Impact on health services e.g. admissions Accident risks e.g. drowning, work-related injury Increased transmission of some diseases Disruption to power, water, transport, sewage |
Some reports suggest possible mean summer temperatures in parts of southern England could increase by over 4oC by 2080 relative to the 30-year baseline starting in the 1960s (Arbuthnott and Hajat, 2017). There are also warnings of extreme heat events, especially in urban heat islands (UHIs) becoming more frequent. The health impacts resulting in early mortality include, but are not limited to, damage to cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In some cases this can be described as mortality displacement, meaning that deaths in the most at risk or vulnerable people have been accelerated by the environmental conditions. The greatest threat is during heat waves when average temperatures are higher than 5oC above the average maximum for that time of year. For example, in the August 2003 heat wave there was a 17% increase in deaths above the expected baseline (Johnson et al, 2005).
Risk factors include:
Cardiovascular strain is put on the heart when increased blood flow towards the skin reduces the flow to other (vital) organs, putting extra demand on the heart by reducing its atrial filling pressure, reducing the stroke volume and increasing heat rate. The fluid loss through excessive sweating can also lead to dehydration and heat related cell death (Ebi et al, 2021) Heat stroke occurs when the body’s thermoregulation system fails resulting in insufficient sweating and reduced cooling.
How can sustainable cooling solutions and adaptation strategies be implemented in such a way as to minimise overheating, reduce energy consumption and prevent overloading of the electricity grid during peak demand?
Nature-based Systems (NbS) have been proposed to help mitigate a number of climate related issues such as flood prevention or reduction (O’Donnell and Thorne, 2020), the improvement of urban air quality (Nemitz et al, 2020), reducing UHIs (Hobbie and Grimm, 2020), supporting carbon capture or sequestration (Bayulken, Huisingh and Fisher, 2020; Waller, 2023) and providing many ecosystem services generally (Castellar et al, 2021). Green infrastructure can help to limit urban warming by modifying air flows and heat exchange, and trees that provide both shading and cooling via evapotranspiration (Bowler et al, 2010). Green roof technology may employ soil that can act as an insulator and, depending on the type of structure, can lead to significant energy savings and cooler internal building temperatures (Jamei et al, 2023). Studies have shown that even simple hedges can cool urban environments by rates of over 1oC min-1 m2 (Zou, Yang and Qui, 2019). NbS require no input from the national grid and therefore they can help to prevent overloading of the national grid.
What actions can be taken to protect those most vulnerable to the impacts of extreme heat?
The strategy to reduce the health impacts of extreme heat must include:
Public education, awareness raising and information sharing:
Via schools, public broadcasts, NHS and other state and civil society bodies people should know that:
National government should:
Local authorities can help by:
What role might reversible heat pumps (which can act as both heating and cooling systems) and other emerging technological solutions, such as the development of smart materials, play in meeting future cooling demands?
Green infrastructural technologies include trees, roof coverage as well as vertical surfaces with potential for cooling effects (Koc, Osmond and Peters, 2018). Further environmental heat sinks for buildings, according to Kamal (2012) include:
At the most basic level it is vital to include shading in the design of new buildings, ensure maximum insulation is utilized and limit the amount of glass window coverage facing south and southwest. Heat pumps can also be used for cooling. Although air source heat pumps are about three times more efficient than fossil fuel boilers for heating, they do require electricity to run so may add to the overall grid demand. The government has a target of 600,000 heat pumps being installed every year within 5 years from now. Grants are being made available through the Boiler Upgrade Scheme. However, there are several barriers that are making people hesitant to adopt the conversion from gas boilers to heat pumps:
For all of the above reasons many people are cautious and even skeptical about the promise of reversible heat pumps, and in some cases local planning regulations further complicate the process. In Hong Kong and Copenhagen, the use of huge seawater reservoirs has been proven to reduce energy costs of running community cooling systems. There could be scope for such systems in large coastal cities of the south of England such as London, Bristol, Brighton and Hove, Plymouth or Bournemouth and Poole. Less expensive and more universally available are solar reflective surfaces for buildings and pavements that have been tested and show promise in some cities (Gopalakrishnan et al, 2017; Middel et al, 2020; Manni and Nicolini, 2021). However, there are some drawbacks negative environmental effects on the acquisition, synthesis and processing of nanoparticle based materials, performance of retroreflective materials at low angles and the inclusion of toxic metals in phase change materials (Mourou et al, 2022).
Smart materials such as breathing skin, hydroceramics and hydromembranes can help to regulate internal humidity and cooling rates. Some smart systems can also help with automated shading and irrigation of green roof installations. Whether these innovations can deliver cost-benefits in the real world remains to be seen. Future possibilities include electrochromic materials that can change colour or opacity (Rao et al, 2021) and smart coatings such as those based on titanium oxide nanoparticles, along with fluorescent and glass microparticles (Xue, 2020). However, currently these are not quite at the commercialisation stage.
Summary recommendations
To protect the most vulnerable there must be clear and well broadcast information sharing campaigns and warnings, including some very basic advise as list above. The government must also work to coordinate work between departments to ensure that renewable energy strategies are aligned and ensure that health departments, energy, new building, construction and urban planning authorities all work towards the same goals of greening cities and ensuring a healthier and cleaner environment.
August 2023
Arbuthnott, K.G. and Hajat, S. (2017) “The health effects of hotter summers and heat waves in the population of the United Kingdom: a review of the evidence” Environmental Health 16(Suppl 1): 119 DOI 10.1186/s12940-017-0322-5
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Waller, A.R. (2023) “A nature-based gamble: Hedging our bets or betting on hedges?” Ch.18 in Waller, A.R. and Macer, D.R.J. (eds.) 2023 Planetary health and bioethics. pp335-350 Christchurch, New Zealand, Eubios Ethics Institute
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[1] The requirement to plant tree lined is already a requirement of the National Planning Policy Framework for England (Hodder, 2021). However, there have been reports from the BBC that some cities such as Sheffield and Plymouth of disastrous tree felling even with fierce public opposition (Taylor, 2023). The removal of trees along the River Lugg resulted in a farmer being jailed for ‘ecological vandalism’; will the same apply to council leaders?