Inkling Partnership LLP HRSC0013
Written evidence submitted by Inkling
Does the current planning framework do enough to encourage heat resilience measures such as cooling shelters, water bodies, green infrastructure and shading to be integrated into urban planning? Where such measures are incorporated, how accessible and successful are they?
Shading is pivotal in mitigating against overheating risk, and external shading is the most powerful in this respect. In my experience architects and planners have greatly varying attitudes to external shading features and other overheating mitigation measures. It would be great to see a more consistent approach, and new vernaculars developed, particularly for parts of the country with similar overheating risk e.g. greater London.
The committee should also seek evidence from:
There is no evidence to suggest that better insulated homes overheat more in summer provided that adequate openable windows are provided. Evidence Loughborough paper: ‘Dwelling and household characteristics’ influence on reported and measured summertime overheating: A glimpse of a mild climate in the 2050’s’ K.J. Lomas et Al.
See also GHA retrofit tool: - This tool is intended for use at the early stages of residential retrofit projects, or on existing homes, in order to identify key factors contributing to overheating risk and possible mitigation measures. It is applicable to existing homes, retrofits, and conversions of non-domestic buildings to residential accommodation.
Reference Arup report ‘Addressing overheating risk in existing UK homes’ for CCC:,how%20much%20that%20might%20cost.
As we understand it, the government is not consulting on any changes to the FHS on how overheating in homes is considered. Part O was introduced into building regulations in the 2021 update. It is clunky and poorly worded so has led to significant confusion. See 4 Inkling blogs so far on this subject -
CIBSE TM59 which is the modelling methodology on which the dynamic modelling route within Part O is based, is being updated this year. The updates will include the latest research on the effect of heat on sleep disturbance, and require assessment against future 2050 weather data based on the latest climate projections. The updated TM59 should be adopted into Part O with the FHS in 2025 at the latest.
The simplified method within Part O should also be simplified (to live up to its name) and have a ‘low risk’ geographical area defined that has less onerous requirements to allow homes built in the North East and other cooler parts of England not to have to adhere to the same overheating mitigation standards as homes built in warmer areas such as Reading.
The Future Buildings Standard should also be looking at overheating risk in non-domestic buildings. Part L currently includes Criterion 3 on limiting solar gains, but this is clumsy, produces some odd results at times (such as when rooms have very small areas of exposed wall), and doesn’t allow for alternate more sophisticated risk assessments to be used instead (such as CIBSE TM52). Alternatively, a cooling demand metric could be implemented. Criterion 3 is also not routinely complied with and this is not always picked up.
August 2023