Written evidence submitted by Greater Manchester Combined Authority [FSS 064]


The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) is led jointly by the leaders of the ten Greater Manchester local authorities and Mayor. Our collective vision is to make Greater Manchester one of the best places in the world to grow up, get on and grow old; a great place to invest, do business, visit and study.

The current state of financial resilience of social housing providers

Summary response to this section (Q1-6)

New challenges to the social housing sector:

  1. The Secretary of State has specified that more resources need to be directed towards maintaining and improving the existing stock. How feasible is this for social housing providers?


  1. No comments.
  2. What issues does the requirement on Housing Associations to carrying out building safety present?


  1. Has the lifting of the cap on the Housing Revenue Account made a difference to supply or improved housing from Local Authorities?


  1. No comments.
  2. No comments.
  3. Has the emergence of partnership working between councils and housing associations in local areas made the sector more resilient? What encouragement has the Department given to such partnerships? 
  1. No comments.
  2. No comments.
  3. Will the introduction of the Infrastructure Levy and changes to section 106 significantly affect the capacity to develop affordable housing?

What are the policy and regulatory challenges to the Department and the Regulator?

  1. Is the current Departmental policy on social housing and affordable homes appropriately focused?

Right to Buy

Social housing funding


Provision of new social and affordable housing



  1. Is Homes England being directed appropriately by the Department, and is it achieving its objectives?


  1. Has any evaluation been undertaken of the impact of the additionality guidance on the supply of social housing?


  1. Is the current range of grant funding available appropriate to address the issues and challenges that the social housing sector faces?
  1. No comments.
  2. No comments.
  3. No comments.


  1. No comments.
  2. No comments.


  1. It is already accepted that the numbers of dwellings likely to be produced under the 2021 Affordable Homes Programme will be less than initially forecast. Will the financial challenges that the sector faces reduce these numbers even further?


May 2023

[1] Sources: Regulator of Social Housing, Private registered provider social housing stock and rents in England 2020 to 2021; Regulator of Social Housing, Local authority registered provider social housing stock and rents in England 2020 to 2021; ONS CPI Inflation Indicators, September 2020-2021; DLUHC Impact Assessment: Implementing a ceiling on social housing rent increases in 2023-24; DWP Stat Xplore, Housing Benefit Claimants in Social Housing, Universal Credit Households in receipt of the Housing Element in Social Housing, March 2021.