ClientEarth DEF0053
Written evidence submitted by ClientEarth
ClientEarth submission on how the UK could work with international partners to tackle deforestation.
How the UK could work with international partners to tackle deforestation 2
Need for international cooperation and partnership alongside UK Environment Act 2021 3
Implementation challenges for UK Government officials 3
Creation of commodity ‘tiers’ in countries of production 3
Lessons from the FLEGT-VPA approach 4
Fitness Check of the VPAs and the EUTR 5
ClientEarth DEF0053
How the UK could work with international partners to tackle deforestation
a. How effective are the measures to improve due diligence and ban imported products of illegal deforestation in the Environment Act 2021?
b. How effectively is the UK engaging with international partners to tackle deforestation?
c. What impact will the UK’s measures to tackle deforestation have on producer countries, indigenous peoples and local communities?
ClientEarth DEF0053
Need for international cooperation and partnership alongside UK Environment Act 2021
Implementation challenges for UK Government officials
Creation of commodity ‘tiers’ in countries of production
(1) those operators who comply with the UK Environment Act and continue to export to the UK; and
ClientEarth DEF0053
(2) those operators who do not comply with the UK Environment Act, and export to countries with less stringent requirements.
Lessons from the FLEGT-VPA approach
ClientEarth DEF0053
legitimacy, as well as increasing credibility and accountability. Governments in certain VPA countries, such as Ghana (see below) have become more open towards non-state actors and have come to understand the valuable role they can play in shaping policy.ix
Fitness Check of the VPAs and the EUTR
participation and independent forest monitoring by civil society.
ClientEarth DEF0053
national civil society, who were central to the drafting of an important regulation (Legislative Instrument 2254 or LI 2254) that reviewed and clarified several existing regulations to solve issues of unclear rules and procedures related to timber permitting. LI 2254 has been instrumental in preparing Ghana’s timber industry for FLEGT licensing and overcoming final hurdles to legality in the timber sector. The LI 2254 garnered broad and strong support from government, private sector and civil society stakeholders, enhancing transparency and generating benefits for communities. This was an important milestone and a key achievement, as all key stakeholders were consulted during this contentious forest law reform process, and their inputs recognised.xiii The success of this participatory process is also important, as it sets an example from which to draw lessons for future national law reform processes. Specifically, it shows that national civil society has an "important role and has become more independent and powerful in the country thanks to VPA”.xiv
Caroline Haywood Lead – Ecosystem Governance | Raphaelle Godts Law & Policy Advisor – Ecosystem Governance |
February 2023
i Florence Pendrill et al. (2019). Deforestation displaced: trade in forest-risk commodities and the prospects for a global forest transition. Environ. Res. Lett. 14 055003, ii Alison Hoare and Thiago H. Kanashiro Uehara (2022). Establishing fair and sustainable forest economies: Lessons learned from tackling illegal logging. Environment and Society Programme, kanashiro-uehara_0.pdf
iii ClientEarth (2018). Legal Toolkit on Forest Conversion, toolkit-full-report-ce-en1.pdf
iv Jade Saunders (2020). Ten steps towards enforceable due diligence regulations that protect forests, Forest trends,
v Fern (2022). Deforestation Regulation: Ivorian Farmers’ Low income from cocoa is a human rights issue, human-rights-issue-2590/
vi Alison Hoare and Thiago H. Kanashiro Uehara (2022). Establishing fair and sustainable forest economies: Lessons learned from tackling illegal logging. Environment and Society Programme, kanashiro-uehara_0.pdf
vii Alison Hoare and Thiago H. Kanashiro Uehara (2022). Establishing fair and sustainable forest economies: Lessons learned from tackling illegal logging. Environment and Society Programme, kanashiro-uehara_0.pdf
viii Chatham House expert comment article (2017). Forest Governance Provides UK with a valuable model for expanding sustainable trade, model-expanding-sustainable-trade.
ix Paolo Cerutti et al. (2021), Voluntary Partnership Agreements: Assessing impacts for better policy decisions, Forest Policy and Economics, 124,; Fern (ed.) (2020). How to ensure FLEGT is a success: Make sure we stay the course, FLEGT VPA update January 2020, content/uploads/2020/01/VPA-Update-January-2020-2.pdf; FERN (undated), Do FLEGT VPAs improve governance?; Alison Hoare et al., (2020), Forest sector accountability in Cameroon and Ghana, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme and-ghana-hoare-et-al.pdf; Fern (2022). EU deforestation regulation must strengthen the FLEGT process and produces countries’ own efforts to combat deforestation, regulation-must-strengthen-the-flegt-process-and-producer-countries-own-efforts-to-combat-deforestation-2589/
x Alison Hoare and Thiago H. Kanashiro Uehara (2022). Establishing fair and sustainable forest economies: Lessons learned from tackling illegal logging. Environment and Society Programme, kanashiro-uehara_0.pdf
xi European Commission (2021). Fitness Check on Regulation (EU) No 995/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 October 2010 laying down the obligations of operators who place timber and timber products on the market (the EU Timber Regulation) and on Regulation (EC) No 2173/2005 of 20 December 2005 on the establishment of a FLEGT licensing scheme for imports of timber into the European Community (FLEGT Regulation), 11/SWD_2021_328_1_EN_bilan_qualite_part1_v2.pdf
xii See, for example, Fern (2021). Raising the bar: Strengthening EU biodiversity and climate leadership through FLEGT and Forest Partnerships, biodiversity-and-climate-leadership-through-flegt-and-forest-partnerships-2336/
xiii Forestry Commission, (accessed February 2023). Ghana FLEGT VPA: Definition of Legal Timber for Ghana.
xiv N. Leszczynska et al. (2022). Collecting evidence of FLEGT-VPA impacts: Ghana country report, Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research, xv N. Leszczynska et al. (2022), Collecting evidence of FLEGT-VPA impacts: Ghana country report, Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research,
xvi N. Leszczynska et al. (2022), Collecting evidence of FLEGT-VPA impacts: Ghana country report, Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research, xvii ClientEarth (2022). Cocoa Research briefing 2: Major Concerns and Recommendations – Ghana, ghana/